Saturday, May 19, 2012

Home Study - Interview Complete

Our Home Study was this morning!!!  It was such a wonderful experience.  I honestly believe every husband and wife should have to fill out a questionnaire like we had to fill out to prepare for the study.  Simply put, it made me realize once again how in love I am with my sweet husband... how much we are on the same page in life.  As many of you know, I am 7 years older then Andy... which means I had to wait a long time before God revealed to me that He made me wait because He was preparing an amazing man for me!
I know you are probably wondering what this has to do with adopting Marina - well, nothing really.  Except for the fact that through this process I get to fall more and more in love with my precious husband.  Just another benefit of saying "YES" and not "yes, but"!
Anyway - the Home Study interviews are complete and it looks like the 6 week process of writing it up will be shortened significantly.  Of course it will... it is amazing what happens when God is leading the way.  Our initial application to the USCIS (citizen and immigration services) has also been submitted. We are now in a holding pattern until the Home Study is complete.  Once it is complete, we will send it to the USCIS and pray for a quick approval.

In the meantime, I am going to start looking at different fund raising opportunities.  I will be hosting a CAbi party mid June in which the representative is going to donate all of her commissions... YAY.  I will send out more information as we finalize the details.  If anyone has any additional ideas, please send them to me in the comments section!  Thank you again for all of your prayers... we felt them this morning!  Keep them coming!!!


  1. Sweet Karin,

    Keith told me about this book and suggested I send it your way. I am not sure if you are aware of it. It is a book endorsed by Dave Ramsey, "Adopting Without Debt: Creative Ways to Cover the Cost of Adoption" by Julie Gumm. It's filled with wonderful principles and ideas to raise money for adoption. Just perfect! Love you dearly! Emily

  2. Awesome! Thanks for the book... I will order it!!! Thank you for all your encouragement sweet Emily! Love you dearly too! :) Karin
