Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Month 1 - Spending

I feel like the month leading up to my last day on the job several years ago.  I stock piled Mac make-up because I just knew I would never be able to afford good make up again.  I bought extra hair spray, mousse, shampoo.  I bought the shoes I wanted... the work out clothes I needed.  It was crazy!  This time however, my kids are involved. About 2 weeks ago, we were on our way home from church when Marbella said "can we go out to dinner since we won't get to eat out for the entire month of February!"  Andy and I laughed but could also understand her want to squeeze it all in before we started our February fast.

Thankfully we have avoided most of that same behavior... except when it has come to dining out.  I started to put a menu plan together this week but quickly decided that was a silly idea.  We are taking full advantage of squeezing in our last restaurant prepared meals... Chili's Monday night (kids eat free), Domino's tonight (just because), Cafe Italia (taking advantage of a Groupon that is about to expire) tomorrow night.  Lunch at Jason's Deli today... out somewhere/anywhere for lunch tomorrow.  Yes, it is pathetic but I think it is doing a good job of preparing us for the month... I am actually getting tired of restaurant food!  We have also taken care of a few other items before our spending halt starts on Friday - haircuts, inspections, gardening stuff (in preparation for our month on Waste) as well as a few others. But for the most part we are just going about our days as usual... and are both looking forward to what God will be revealing to us over the next 7 months.

Oh, I guess you might be interested in what 7 establishments will get the Green's money this month!

  1. Gas Station - I am not specifying a specific gas station - that would be silly!
  2. Kroger
  3. Sprouts/Farmers Market - serves the same purpose so I bunched them together.  If I can purchase locally, that is what I would rather do but since we don't have a Farmers Market that is open 7 days a week right down the road, I needed to include Sprouts.
  4. On line bill pay - our monthly fixed bills - mortgage, electricity, water, girls school, etc.
  5. Exercise - not my favorite way to spend our money but a necessity!
  6. Isabelle - our housekeeper.  Yes, this is an expense that I could give up... however, she depends on what we pay her and we care about her - she is part of our family.  We won't give her up - not because we love her services - but because we love her!
  7. Wal-Mart - Emergency expenses only!  This is not on here so that we can still shop for wants... that would defeat the purpose.  The ONLY reason this is on here is for unexpected expenses - a birthday party invitation ... we need a gift for the birthday kid. Marbella gets a project assignment at school and we need supplies to do it, etc.  Plus, a few grocery items that are significantly cheaper at Wal-Mart - i.e. the organic soups we like are 1/2 the price of Kroger.  
As you can see, there are NO restaurants... no Home Depot... no Amazon... no Buckle (that is for me!)... no movies, etc.  However, there is one thing that doesn't count - tithing... or any type of additional giving.  The purpose of this process is to draw us closer to God by taking in less... that doesn't mean we can't give more.  And if we think about it, isn't that what Jesus wants us to do.  That is why He is quoted by Paul in Acts 20:35 "...It is more blessed to give than to receive."

One more full day then we are ready to roll!  

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Gearing Up for 7

Oh my goodness... 7 more days before we start!  

Like I said in an earlier post, we are changing things up a bit in how our family moves forward with this process.  For us, we are treating this time as a sort of "fast"... I will go into more detail about fasting and what that means to us in another post.  For now, I would like to share the basic details of the next 7 months. We have prayed over how we would like to proceed as well as discussed it in depth.  Here is what we have come up with...

February - Spending

March - Possessions
April - Waste
May - Food
June - Clothing 
July - Media 
August - Stress

No matter what order we (or you) decide on doing it, I can imagine that each and every month will prove to be challenging, enlightening, and rewarding... and probably in that order.  At the same time, I thought you might want to know why we laid out the months the way we did (with the Lord's approval, of course!)  

We start off in February with spending.  If we can get more disciplined with our spending, then that will allow us more freedom to give (possessions) and really prepare us for the following 6 months.  It sets the stage. The hardest part for me will be not eating out... or picking up that pizza after church on our way home.  Oh Lord! I will share with you the 7 places we can spend our money in another post... and none of those places include Jason's Deli, Domino's Pizza, or even Chick-fil-A for that matter.  I say it again, Oh Lord!

Then we move into March with possessions.  I don't know about you, but we have found that we live in a bubble.  There is need all around us but we can't seem to find it.  As a result of reading 7, I got a little more proactive in my search.  More about that in March!  We wanted to make sure this was toward the beginning of the process too.  It is a month where others will benefit from our discipline... and in all honesty, Jesus calls us to be His hands and feet and serving others in need is doing just that.  This just may end up being my favorite month; however,  I do believe it will prove to be a little more challenging for my 6 year old who wants to keep EVERYTHING!!!

April is about eliminating waste and embracing our 'green' side.  What a perfect time to start planting our gardens.  We already have 2 small garden spots prepared but we just might have to build another... and I have a feeling this year we will be much more methodical in what we plant and where.  And yes, I will tend to it much better.  I have always been a bit green anyway so this month will be challenging in that we will need to step it up a notch.  

May... oh sweet May.  Food... oh glorious food!  We will not be picking 7 foods but rather a combination of 7 foods/categories.  As of right now, our eating for May will consist of Fruits (not just apples, but any fruit), Veggies (not just one veggie, but all veggies are fair game), eggs, chicken, wheat bread (Andy has been practicing making it home made in our bread maker), nuts (mostly raw almonds), and protein drinks/bar (our post exercise supplement!)  Now, God may instruct us to change some of those choices by May but at this point, that is what we are going with.  For those of you who know me well, you know that this month will bring me to my knees in prayer more then even spending.  Besides the fact that I will become more intimate with my Savior during this process, May will bring with it lots of yummy produce... and for that I am thankful!

June will be clothing.  I am actually looking forward to picking out 7 pieces of clothing to wear in June.  Of course, it is easy for me to say that now.  I am grateful that I did not feel led to put clothing in a month that has cool mornings and warm afternoons.  It will simply be hot no matter what time of day it is.  I hope I don't smell too much during this month - I really want to get through this time without explaining myself... to live with 7 pieces of clothing without justifying it to anyone.  Living with less in a true sense... however, if I start to smell then I just might find myself explaining without even realizing my mouth is moving!

July will be media. The kids will be home from school... this will either be a perfect time to cut off from all media or it will be the worst idea ever since that means the kids won't get any tv/movies either.  This has historically been a perfect month to hit the dollar theater just to escape the heat.  Or it is a perfect time for God to work in all of us and really share a quality month together.  I guess we will see in July!  :)  I do have one exception - we will get to listen to Christian music.  When I put on praise music, our home is different - in a way that I believe God is glorified... and that is always okay!  

And we will complete the 7 month fast with Stress in August.  As the summer winds down and preparations for school starting pick up, it will be a perfect month to focus on our amazing Savior.  I have high hopes for this month... again, I will keep you posted!

That gives you the basics.  I am excited about starting... but also enjoying what I would consider freedom.  I am confident that I don't really know what that word means but will get a much better grasp of it through this process.  I know in my head that freedom actually comes from disciplines rooted in God... but soon I will know it in my heart too... and that is exciting!


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Communicating with Marina - wonderful and heartbreaking

I am so excited and so sad all at the same time!
For the first time since we came home from the Ukraine, we communicated with Marina in real time.  She wasn't able to Skype but she was able to communicate with us back and forth on Facebook.  

For about 2 weeks we didn't hear from her.  We were actually getting a bit worried until Andy realized that she might be at camp.  In order to give the orphanage workers a break (and in hopes of facilitating adoptions), the kids get "hosted" during the Christmas holiday and during the Summer (like we hosted Marina.)  The kids that don't get hosted go to a camp... which sounds like fun in the summer but not much fun in the winter primarily because they don't have hot or even warm water. 

I received a message from Marina on December 29th letting me know the snow was melting at the orphanage... just a quick note to let me know she was thinking about us.  I then sent her message... and then another... and then another... with no response.  I finally got a message on Friday with her letting me know that she had been at camp and that it was "bad."  

We can tell that she doesn't get to use her English there.  It is getting more and more difficult for us to decipher what she is saying when she sends us messages.  
The first message she sent today said...
"hi mummy i love u camp i was bad.and i miss u 2".
Well, as you can imagine, I was worried about what happened at camp.  So, I asked her and let her know that we so wish she were here with us.  
And this was the response I got...
"the camp was enside the forest and we have water cold brrrrrr.and i think once i saw you again."

I was so relieved that nothing bad happened at camp but rather she just didn't like it because she had cold water.  And now I have to try to figure out what she means when she thinks she saw me once again.  Does that mean she saw someone that looked like me?  Does that mean she wants to see me again?  Does that mean she had a dream or vision about me?  Ugh... I wish I could speak her language.  I wish I could communicate with her as well as we were when she was here.  Does she wish she were here?  Is she doubting her decision now?  Does she realize she could have been sleeping in a warm bed every night with hot showers and warm clothes?  Or is all of that wishful thinking on my part?  

I am at the point where I ache for her.  I want her to make different decisions.  I want her past to be different so that she can make different decisions.  I want her to feel loved and accepted even in a way that was too difficult for me to make her feel.  I want her to feel love in a way that only Christ can really live up to.  I want so much more for my sweet Marina.  It is almost as if it is getting harder and harder to accept her decision instead of easier and easier.  Is that because I am feeling less angry at her for making the decision to begin with... is it because more time has passed since I had to face the daily challenges of loving a very hurt and angry child... is it because I feel like I can hear it in her "voice" that she is beginning to miss us.  After all, she is now initiating communication with both Andy and I and calls us Mummy and Daddy (not mom and dad which are much more generic) and tells me she loves me (and the girls) on most of her communications?  I don't know... I just don't know.  

What I do know is that the Lord is in control.  He has this.  He has her.  He sent us to her for many reasons - one of which is so that we will pray for her daily, if not more.  He is taking care of her in the way He knows  is best for her.  I also know He wants me to continue to ache for her... so that I will always drop to my knees on her behalf.  It is also a constant reminder that I need Him... always and in everything.  

Please continue to pray for Marina!  I honestly believe that our sweet Savior will bring light into her darkness at some point.  We cherish your prayers for her... thank you so much!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I feel so blessed... beyond blessed!
I have a wonderful husband - 2 healthy little girls - a warm bed - a full belly - heat - lotion - chap stick and so very much more... things we take for granted.

As I am reading Jen Hatmakers book, 7, I am feeling many things!  Blessed... inspired... thankful... content... along with a deep desire to help others feel the same way.  Others who don't have what we have - who won't sleep in a warm bed tonight - who won't go to bed with a belly full - who don't know the gospel.  It is a hodge podge of feelings that I don't know what to do with... but God does.

Do you ever wonder why God gave you the friendships you have?  As I am becoming more aware of the needs of people, I am becoming more aware of how incredible the people are that God has put in my life.  I am getting a better understanding of why it takes a village to raise a family... or why we need to be in a community of believers.  There is not one person out there who is everything so God puts many people in our lives who look like Jesus and who can inspire us to become more like them.  Does that make sense?

For example, I have a friend who makes me dig deep into myself when we get together.  She challenges me to think more radically in terms of missions and prayer.  I find myself striving to be more mission minded and a prayer warrior like she is.  She teaches me much and inspires me much.  I adore that about her.  I have another friend who is generous to a fault (if there is such a thing!)  She models to me how I should act in terms of how I give my stuff, my resources, my money.  I adore that about her.  I have another friend who amazes me with her love for orphans.  She has her biological kids, she has her adopted kids, she has foster kids and she is amazing.  She has inspired me through our own journey and continues to do so.  And I adore that about her.  I have another friend who encourages me.  When I am confused, unclear, off track - she always redirects me to the Bible and my faith in my Savior.  She is just starting to dig deeper in her faith yet she seems to always encourage me in mine.  I adore that about her.  I have another friend who is the hospitality queen.  She is always willing to host and the more the merrier.  Mess up my house - no problem.  Eat my food - no problem.  Create chaos - no problem.  I adore that about her.  I could go on and on... but I think you get the point.

I challenge you - take an inventory of your friendships and become aware of their diverse gifts... and adore them for the way God put them in your life to encourage you in the ways they were gifted!  And as you become more aware of the needs of people around us, you will know who to ask for help to meet those needs.  Isn't that what it is all about - being the hands and feet of Jesus as a community while sharing the Good News???

I am so eager to get started on this new journey... it is making me giddy!  So glad I have friends gifted in giddy too!  :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

We found a lost dog

There is comedy in the fact that we have found this lost dog.

First - we have 2 children, both of which are afraid of animals.  Marbella extremely fearful - Milana mildly fearful.  Of all the people in the area, Andy and Milana are the ones to pick up this dog.  A family said they tried running after it to "save" it from the busy street it was hanging out on but the dog didn't want them.  Andy and Milana basically open their car door and he hops right in.  Are you serious?

Second - the dog is dressed in a coat with skulls all over it.  Skulls... really?  It takes me back to the first time Marina walked into our house in June.  Little did we know - she had/has a fear of crosses.  Take one step into my house and you are going to see a cross somewhere.  Our faith is important to us and we, like most people, surround ourselves with what is important to us.  I can just imagine what Marina thought - of all the people in America, I get stuck with the Christian family!  My sweet Marina didn't realize at the time that the reason we American's wanted to adopt her is because we were following God's call.  Our prayer is that one day she will understand God's call for her life!

Back to the dog - so, I get a chuckle when Andy walks into our house not only with a dog, but a dog dressed in skulls.  Thankfully, this dog is probably just grateful that he has a bed to sleep in and some food in his bowl.  He won't judge us based on our beliefs!   Perhaps we all can learn a lesson from our temporary guest (or Regal as Milana has already named him).

What is this Book You are Talking About?

I want to tell you that I am laughing as I write this. I didn't expect so many different responses to what Andy and I feel led to do... participate in a modified version of a little book called 7. Let me say that again - MODIFIED! :) One of my dear friends bought me the book many, many months ago - I either just found time to start reading it or in my subconsciousness I knew it would call me to a change :)) Upon hearing of our 7 journey she sent me this text - "I would be honored to be on your council if it entails keeping your butt in line, but I am not going to do any of that crazy stuff right now." In fact, ever since I wrote in the blog that we were planning to participate in this "social/spiritual experiment", some of my closest friends are reacting the same way I would have reacted if they had brought this idea up to me - either avoiding me all together or letting me know up front that they have bought the book but will not be doing it with me - love you and your precious honesty girls! :)). I have had to share with them that Jen's friends participated in their own way too - if at all. Some had their own modifications and some didn't participate in certain months at all but were there for Jen to encourage her and give her moral support... and that works wonders too! 

So, a little more about the actual book... 7 - an experimental mutiny against excess, by Jen Hatmaker! I promise you - it is not scary... it will not make you feel crazy guilty... it will not ask too much of you! 7 is a fantastic book that is informative... thought provoking... challenging...funny. It provides you with practical ways to be more like Christ... be His hands and feet. 

In Matthew 25:42-45, Jesus says 'For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison, and did visit me. Then they will also answer, saying 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?' Then he will answer them, saying 'Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.' 

The book not only makes you more aware of how you are spending your time, your money, your resources but offers ideas based on Jen's own experiences regarding how to serve Him by serving others; how to serve God's creation and so very much more. 

Amazon provides this description of the book.. 

 "American life can be excessive, to say the least. That’s what Jen Hatmaker had to admit after taking in hurricane victims who commented on the extravagance of her family’s upper middle class home. She once considered herself unmotivated by the lure of prosperity, but upon being called “rich” by an undeniably poor child, evidence to the contrary mounted, and a social experiment turned spiritual was born. 
7 is the true story of how Jen (along with her husband and her children to varying degrees) took seven months, identified seven areas of excess, and made seven simple choices to fight back against the modern-day diseases of greed, materialism, and overindulgence.
Food. Clothes. Spending. Media. Possessions. Waste. Stress. They would spend thirty days on each topic, boiling it down to the number seven. Only eat seven foods, wear seven articles of clothing, and spend money in seven places. Eliminate use of seven media types, give away seven things each day for one month, adopt seven green habits, and observe “seven sacred pauses.” So, what’s the payoff from living a deeply reduced life? It’s the discovery of a greatly increased God—a call toward Christ-like simplicity and generosity that transcends social experiment to become a radically better existence." 

I don't know about you, but the sound of "living a radically better existence" sounds very appealing. 

One thing I will say is that you will not get the full benefits of what Jen shares in her book just by following this blog. My intent is not to summarize the book (so if you don't read it yourself you will miss so many facts and amazing stories that actually puts a face with her experiences) but rather to simply share our experience "fasting" and how God speaks to us through that experience. Believe me when I tell you it is NOT to impress you like the Pharisees (fasting only to impress others) but rather to grow closer to my Savior - I am actually expecting to fall on my face in humility and will know that any success I have in this "experiment" will be because of Him. Bottom line, why am I sharing this experience with you? In all honesty - because He has told me that as much as I currently don't love to write, I am supposed to do it. Through our adoption experience, I learned many things but one that really sticks is this - when He asks you do to something and you continue to spend daily quiet time with Him, He won't let up. I wonder if that is one of the reasons we don't stop and spend time with Him daily - we don't want to hear what He is asking us to do. I am sure that is often the case when I find myself putting Him aside. He also knows that I am not afraid to share my struggles and be transparent about my short comings - and maybe that is why He is asking me to share this experience. Like the days following when I have to give up chocolate... believe me when I tell you that giving up sweets will draw me to my knees asking for strength faster than anything else. If I am victorious during the food month and truly abstain from chocolate, it will be by the grace of God. No joke... those of you who know me well, know that chocolate is a food group for me! :) 

So, there is your synopsis of 7 - an experimental mutiny against excess. We are still reading... still praying... still wondering what we have committed to... still excited about how the "fasting" will draw us closer to our Creator. I mean, that is really the bottom line. 

As stated in the NKJV Life Application study notes in Mark 2:18 "Fasting is both an outward sign of humility and regret for sin, and an inner discipline that clears the mind and keeps the spirit alert. Fasting empties the body of food (or whatever); repentance empties the life of sin." 

I am not going to lie to you - I am so excited about some of the upcoming months (clothes, possessions, waste) and am totally dreading others (food, food, food, spending, and food!) But God has an amazing sense of humor - If I know Him well, He will bring me to my knees on the stuff I think I will do well with (hello pride) and bless me for being humble on the months I think I will struggle. Time will tell!!!

I do hope you will participate in your own way... allowing God to show you that with Him in your corner, you are much stronger than you think. During our adoption process, we heard over and over how "strong we were by being obedient." But I can tell you right now - Andy and I were not strong. We were very weak on our own. God was strong through the process - all we did was allow Him to lead... that was it. He did everything else! Maybe that is what I am so excited about this experiment - that it will provide a way for me to be totally dependent on Him again - in ways that will transcend way beyond the 7 months. We have no problem riding this roller coaster by ourselves (with God not only in control of the coaster but also sitting in the front seat with us) but it sure will be a whole lot more fun doing it with you! 

Gotta run - I have a few more chapters to read! 


P.S. I have a prayer request - that if God really wants me to keep writing, that He will make the process much faster!!! :) Andy has walked into this room twice asking me if I was on the same blog post or if I had already drafted a few others... not funny Andrew!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Have you heard from Marina?

That is the question we most often get... and why wouldn't we?  We have shared every step of this journey with you and then we just leave you hanging!  That was not our intent!  We got home, my in laws stayed with us for a couple weeks, we huddled around our little ones making sure they were okay, Halloween came and went, and then we had some time to reflect and just be, for a minute.  Then life got overly busy with Thanksgiving, family, Christmas, family...

As we look back, we were shocked that we could come home from such a spiritual high and be so easily distracted again.  No, it wasn't the outcome we expected, but we were able to walk so incredibly closely with our Savior that we never wanted that part to dwindle - to fade - to become less important.  Yet... it did.  We since learned through our Bible Study Fellowship classes that hard temptation follows spiritual highs.  Like Noah - he comes off the ark after being so incredibly obedient.  He walked intimately with God - followed His counsel to the T, worshiped Him well - yet, not longer after he leaves the ark does he get drunk and lay naked.  Now, I am thankful to say, we didn't respond quite the same way.  :) However, we did fall - we allowed the events of our daily life to come between us and God - He is the only one that is worthy of our time yet we gave it to everyone BUT Him. Thankfully, we have found our way back to daily time with Him!  During that time He has been speaking loud and clear.  He keeps telling me to get on the computer and continue to blog.  Of course, I agreed with Him that it was overdue for me to update the blog but other then that, I am done.  Nope - He is telling me He wants me to keep writing.  What?  I don't like to write.  It is NOT my comfort zone.  It takes time... too much time. It isn't my strength..  And then He so sweetly (hear the sarcasm?) whispered in my ear "where in the world did you get the idea that I was in the business of using people while in their "comfort zone?"  Hmmm... good point.  But really?  Okay - we will start with updating the blog... :)!  He is also sharing with Andy and I that He is about to rock our world once again.

But - before going there, I thought I should answer the question on so many minds... Have we heard from Marina yet?
Yes - we have been in communication with our Marina.  After we got back, we didn't really know what to do... do we write to her?  Do we wait for her to reach out to us?  What is protocol in this situation?  We certainly haven't experienced anything like this before and in all honesty, we don't know anyone who has, so we just waited.  Then I started getting word (it is crazy how small this world we live in is) that Marina was acting angry - dark - without hope.  So, on November 4th, I sent her a long message on Facebook letting her know that we love her - that her decision hasn't made us angry and that she shouldn't be angry at anyone for telling her that they don't agree with her decision.  I shared with her that I was sad, but not mad.  I shared with her how special she is, not only in our eyes, but also in God's eyes.  I shared with her that she is loved and wanted.  A couple days later I got a response - she thanked me and told me that she loved us too.  Initially, I was the one always sending messages to her first and then she would respond.  Now, she is initiating contact.  It always makes my heart beat a little faster when I see a notification that she has sent me a message.  I let her know on December 3rd that we are getting a box together for her... she responds with "thank you mummy i love you".  She certainly knows how to push my buttons and make the tears flow. But I also know that she is fine with her decision and wants to be right where she is.  I am not 100% certain of her motives when she sends me tender messages - does she want something or does she really feel that way.  It doesn't really matter - God has said that while she has computer access and can communicate with me, I am to continue to communicate our love for her and more importantly His love for her.  I can do that.  Since we have been home from Ukraine, I picked up a book by Francine Rivers - Redeeming Love - OH MY!  What a beautiful tangible portrait of how to love like Jesus loves.  Why didn't I read this while she was here over the summer?  Why did God have me read it after I got home?  The answers to these questions won't come (at least not on this side of heaven) but that is okay.  I hear His message for me now... to learn to love her more like Jesus... learn to love everyone more like Jesus.  Is He preparing me for what is next?

To answer the question on many minds - Is she going to change her mind and come to America to become our daughter legally?  We believe the answer is "no"... but that doesn't mean our family doesn't feel like she is part of it.  We pray for her daily - sometimes several times a day... for her salvation... for her protection... to feel God's arms around her making her feel loved and accepted... and much more!  The girls still include Marina in their self made family portraits.  We still hear the girls say out of nowhere that they miss her.  She is still very much loved and prayed for... and will always be.  To us, she will always be Marina Grace Green.

That is the end of this update... and I promise that I will continue to provide updates regarding sweet Marina as they arise.  But it also looks like I am going to be writing a little more frequently on the blog... sharing with you what God is doing in our lives... how He is speaking directly to us... the next big assignment He has for the Green's... stuff like that.  I should warn you now... Andy and I are reading Jen Hatmaker's book, 7, and feel like we are being led to participate in a modified version of it.  I know what you are thinking... what is Karin up to now.  Yep - He is leading us down another path to help us draw closer to Him.  What Andy and I are wondering is what in the world is He preparing for us.  He is about to shake things up again... show us how far away we really are from what He is asking for us as Christians to be. And more... is He asking us to adopt again?  I don't know yet - but we know He is preparing us for something.  We are both scared and excited as to what that looks like yet.  But as Jen Hatmaker put in her  book (she quoted from a friend of hers) - "Obedience isn't a lack of fear.  It is just doing it scared."  Amen sister!  There is something powerful in being scared in obedience... it creates a dependence on God that we just don't routinely experience.

As stated above, I will continue to write... I would love for you to join me for the roller coaster ride that our Savior has us riding on.  (For the record, I do not like roller coasters... at all!  And I don't always like the ones God puts me on either - but one thing I know for sure - the safest place to be is in His will, even if that means riding the biggest one at the park!)  One of the first things on the list will be our modified version of 7.  If you have read the book and wanted to try it out but haven't because you didn't have an accountability partner, join us.  If you haven't read it but have the heart/desire to be more like Jesus, buy the book and join the fun (I use that term loosely!) We are still in the process of reading it ourselves and will bathe it in prayer to see how God wants us to lay it out.  Yes, I have already heard Him say that we would be doing a modified version... at least I think that was Him talking!  :)
More to come...