Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 1 - Cheating so soon???

Day one was off to a great start...

Andy joined Marbella at her school today for lunch.  What did he do differently this time?  He packed his lunch instead of running through a fast food establishment.  Yay... score 1 for the Green Team!  :)

Then I realized Milana's ballet recital is tomorrow and I need to get creative - yes, flowers are available at Kroger but I really want to avoid unnecessary expenditures - even at the approved places!  So, I made a card as well as a sucker bouquet and attached it to her favorite Minnie Mouse.  I am on a roll...

Minnie Mouse with a lollipop bouquet
At this point I am really excited because I'm not planning on even going to one of the 7 "approved" places.  No money will be spent today... UNTIL...

Andy and I were talking and we heard a lawn care service mowing someone's lawn around us.  Then as I look out the window I realize they are mowing OUR LAWN!  What???  They don't come during the winter months except maybe once every 6 to 8 weeks to help clean up the leaves and get our beds looking good.  Until regular lawn care is needed, we give them freedom to decide when they come and it is usually a nice surprise!  Key word - usually!

I have a look of horror on my face when I see them - as did Andy... for about 30 seconds.  Then this huge smile forms on his face as he sees them take several bags of leaves to their truck - a job he thought he was going to have to do himself over the weekend.

Are you serious?  You could not have come yesterday or even the day before... you had to come today???  The first day of our fast and we have already blown it. Yikes... I sure hope tomorrow ends up with better results!

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