Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 1.1 - Flights and other Notes

Welcome to Dusseldorf!  This is Andy. I thought I'd try and jot a quick note while we have a few hour layover in rainy and chilly Dusseldorf.  Yesterday, we said goodbye to the girls and my family as we left Orlando for the drive down to Miami to catch our flight. Probably one of the most difficult things that I've ever seen my sweet wife have to go through.  Not easy to say goodbye; however, it is great to see the resiliency of kids - their handling of the situation probably made it a bit easier on us to leave. We know they are in kind and loving hands.  They will create memories this week in Disney World with their cousins and grandparents while Karin and I make some memories of our own half way around the world. 

What's up with the blog title? Well, I figured that we'll (hopefully) be posting many updates on our journey.  With some of those coming multiple times per day, I figured I would number the posts first by the numbered day of our Journey then followed by a period and the post number from that day (X.X). I hope that simplifies things and helps you keep track of where we are in our path to bringing Marina home.

Lastly, yesterday I kept hearing Psalm 46:10 over and over in my head "Be still and know that I am God".  How true that is, when we can actually be still!  What does getting anxious and hassled do to my relationship with the Father? Nothing, but take precious time away from the opportunity to receive his peace.  So, breathe deeply and relax and take a minute to Be Still. When I am still and in His presence on this journey, my faith is strong and I have a warrior spirit - both which are needed to walk in His will.

Keep praying.


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