Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 3.3 - Paperwork Comes Through

At 6:30 tonight we received a call from Kosta.  He confirmed for us that the paperwork had been signed and completed and faxed to the SDA here in Kiev.  He was unable to confirm of the result of the docs here in Kiev, because staff had already left for the day.  So, what does all this mean? Well, had everything been finalized today, then we would have been on the ground Friday in Marina's district getting a lot of things accomplished.

Now, since it is assumed paperwork was not received today,  we operating with the following schedule in mind
1) 9am n Wednesday SDA Appointment where we received the bad news
2) No paperwork received on Wednesday, which means no invitation letter received on Thursday
3) Pray for expedited papers to be received early on Friday
4) Hire driver to get to Marina's district to hopefully get some appointments complete before the weekend

You might wonder how we're doing with all of this?  I can sum it up like this. He is Good, so Good. He is faithful.  He grants us strength. 

I am encouraged by your continued prayers and financial support.  Hearing your comments provide little nuggets of happiness throughout our day.

Until the next post.

Andy & Karin


  1. I have no doubt that the delays today were frustrating and scary and I most likely would have cried, at least for a minute; but I also believe that someday you may learn the delay was a blessing in disguise. How wonderful that you are so close geographically to
    Marina, it won't be long now. You will see her soon. I'm thinking Joshua 1:9 is a good prayer for me to say for you right now: 'Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with you whithersoever thou goest.' Love and Hugs! Cousin Carol

  2. And apparently it's 7:28 am in Kiev! That's the time stamp on my comment of a minute ago. It's 1230 am ET in MI. I just got home from work. Well let's say my morning prayer for you now: Dear Lord, in Jesus name I pray that all the tasks Karin & Andy needed to complete yesterday are done this morning. Lord, please keep Karin & Andy under your protective watch, bless them with your peace, your wisdom, your joy and curiosity
    about the land they are visiting. Please keep the adoption process on schedule! Thank you Lord, for this beautiful day. AMEN

  3. I am so grateful for your posts, as we have been following the adoption since May. How grateful I am that there are people in the world such as yourselves, and that there are angelic souls such as Marina's that bring such blessings to us, the humble, and show us things that none of us could ever begin to imagine. Sending you an immense amount of love and light as you continue on your amazing journey. Envious am I, partly, as you are being given such a gift, as you open your hearts and home. Smile, and know that you have more than you realize, cheering for you at home. =)
