Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I feel so blessed... beyond blessed!
I have a wonderful husband - 2 healthy little girls - a warm bed - a full belly - heat - lotion - chap stick and so very much more... things we take for granted.

As I am reading Jen Hatmakers book, 7, I am feeling many things!  Blessed... inspired... thankful... content... along with a deep desire to help others feel the same way.  Others who don't have what we have - who won't sleep in a warm bed tonight - who won't go to bed with a belly full - who don't know the gospel.  It is a hodge podge of feelings that I don't know what to do with... but God does.

Do you ever wonder why God gave you the friendships you have?  As I am becoming more aware of the needs of people, I am becoming more aware of how incredible the people are that God has put in my life.  I am getting a better understanding of why it takes a village to raise a family... or why we need to be in a community of believers.  There is not one person out there who is everything so God puts many people in our lives who look like Jesus and who can inspire us to become more like them.  Does that make sense?

For example, I have a friend who makes me dig deep into myself when we get together.  She challenges me to think more radically in terms of missions and prayer.  I find myself striving to be more mission minded and a prayer warrior like she is.  She teaches me much and inspires me much.  I adore that about her.  I have another friend who is generous to a fault (if there is such a thing!)  She models to me how I should act in terms of how I give my stuff, my resources, my money.  I adore that about her.  I have another friend who amazes me with her love for orphans.  She has her biological kids, she has her adopted kids, she has foster kids and she is amazing.  She has inspired me through our own journey and continues to do so.  And I adore that about her.  I have another friend who encourages me.  When I am confused, unclear, off track - she always redirects me to the Bible and my faith in my Savior.  She is just starting to dig deeper in her faith yet she seems to always encourage me in mine.  I adore that about her.  I have another friend who is the hospitality queen.  She is always willing to host and the more the merrier.  Mess up my house - no problem.  Eat my food - no problem.  Create chaos - no problem.  I adore that about her.  I could go on and on... but I think you get the point.

I challenge you - take an inventory of your friendships and become aware of their diverse gifts... and adore them for the way God put them in your life to encourage you in the ways they were gifted!  And as you become more aware of the needs of people around us, you will know who to ask for help to meet those needs.  Isn't that what it is all about - being the hands and feet of Jesus as a community while sharing the Good News???

I am so eager to get started on this new journey... it is making me giddy!  So glad I have friends gifted in giddy too!  :)

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! So grateful God put people with different gifts/outlooks/experiences in my life. I am lacking in many ways (as all of us are), but when we come together and are on mission our gifts complement each other and we become, with God's help, unstoppable. So grateful for your love, support, listening ear, encouragement, and example of giving God a "blank check" with you and your family's life. I love and appreciate you!!!
